Cyber Risk Training Workshops

All the technology in the world can’t protect you from that one stray phishing email that slips through your network and that one uninformed staff member clicks on it. Did you know 90% of breaches are caused by human error?

It's not just about technology but also people and process.

And when (it’s when, not if) you do get attacked, do you understand your legal obligations? Do you have plans in place for when a cyber attack affects your business? Do you have a plan to advise the media, your board, your suppliers and your staff?

Our CyberRisk Training Workshops help you understand your cyber risk, obligations, and how to mitigate them; from the board to your staff.

We provide  face-to-face, scenario-based cyber training workshops for:

  • Boards concentrating on the cyber security and risk elements of Directors responsibilities as defined by the Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Management concentrating on the processes and documentation that needs to be in place to ensure your business is protected and can recover from an incident
  • Staff concentrating on keeping their passwords and information safe to protect themselves and your business from the inside out.