Nic Paley


Who is Nic?

Professionally, Nic has spent the last 10 years in various roles within the technology sector. These positions have been within telecommunications, outsourced managed services and most recently, an in-house role with a large Tasmanian aged care provider. Largely, Nic’s efforts were aligned to the Not-For-Profit and Healthcare sector where professional, accurate support is always appreciated.

Personally, he’s supportive, focused and his genuine, friendly demeanour is complimentary to the caring nature of the industry he’s worked with.

What is Nic? passionate about in his work?

Detail focused. Outcomes driven.

What is Nic passionate about outside of work?

An adventurous person, who enjoys getting the most out of the Tasmanian summers. Nic enjoys boating, mountain bike riding, gardening and cooking – all great ways to disconnect from technology!

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